Environmental Responses

Green Procurement Standards

Based on our management principles, we strive to realize a sustainable society by providing strive to realize a sustainable society by providing products with low environmental impact. We believe it is necessary to deepen mutual understanding and strengthen relationships with our suppliers for our business, hence the “AWA PAPER & TECHNOLOGICAL COMPANY, Inc. Green Procurement Standards” has been issued.

FSC® Certification

Awa Paper & Technological Company, Inc. has reacquired FSC Certification (Chain of Custody Certification) on 28th January 2025.

FSC Certification is the certification scheme set by global institution FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®), ensuring that the products are environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, economically viable, and made from properly controlled wood and other controlled sources. We, a large consumer of wood pulp for one of raw materials in paper manufacturing, will patronize proper forest management by acquisition of FSC certification.

We will maintain involvement in dedication to environmental protection.

Also, our acquisition of FSC Certification has enabled us to comply with the needs of our clients who are examining handling FSC Certified products.

[Certification Types] COC Certification
[Registered Number] SA-COC-015389

People-Friendly Eco Office

The Main Building of Head Office

As part of the measures to address global warming and energy conservation, we have worked on further energy conservation due to the optimum layout of lighting fixtures to realize an office with superior functionality in accordance with the move of the main building of our head office.

Equipment Overview

  • We have achieved 30% better energy conservation by changing all lighting fixtures to LED compared to conventional lights.
  • The lights at the entrance and the aisles on each floor are illuminated by motion sensors.
  • The solar power generation device (10 kWh) has been installed on the rooftop, and the power generation status has been displayed on a LCD panel, generating approximately 1,500 kW per month.
  • We have a roof garden.
Solar Panel
Roof Garden of the Head Office

Reuse of the Sludge generated from Effluent Treatment Facilities

The wastewater containing waste textiles, resins and chemicals generated in the paper making process is delivered to effluent treatment facilities. In general, the sludge generated there used to be wound up in a landfill as industrial waste. Currently, it is reused as a raw material for cement and solid fuel through intermediate processors.

Approach to the Development of Environmentally-friendly Products

LED Outdoor Lighting: using CARMIX

In product development, we consider the environmental impacts from various aspects such as raw material selection, drainage, product function and usage, etc.

In recent years, we have developed a heat radiation fins that are used in the heat dissipation parts of LED lighting, which has been attracting attention for their ability to save energy.